SSS Education Assistance Loan Application Form: Filling in Step by Step

The Social Security System (SSS) provides an educational loan program to support its members and their dependents in financing educational expenses. To apply for a subsequent release of this loan, applicants must complete the SSS Form.

Download the SSS Form Education Assistance Loan Now!

Part I – To be Filled Out by the Member

  1. Part 1 of the form is to be filled out by the participant. Print all information in capital letters using black ink only.
  2. Fill out your personal information:
    • SSS number or Common Reference Number (CRN)
    • Name (Last Name, First Name, Middle Name)
    • Date of Birth
    • Civil Status
    • Zip Code
    • Foreign Address (for OFWs)
    • Local Address
    • Telephone Number
    • Mobile/Cellphone Number
    • E-mail Address
    • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  3. Provide the school details:
    • Name of School
    • Address of School
    • School Code
    • School Year
    • Semester/Trimester/Quarter
  4. Certify that all information provided is true and correct.
  5. Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the loan application.
  6. Sign and date the form.

Part II – School’s Certification

  1. Certify that the student is enrolled or has applied for enrollment.
  2. Provide details about the course:
    • Name of Course
    • Degree or Vocational/Technical
    • Level (1st year, 2nd year, etc.)
    • Number of years to finish the course
  3. Identify the documents presented/submitted for enrollment.
  4. Sign, date, and indicate the position title.

Submission and Processing

  1. Submit the completed form and required documents to the nearest SSS branch.
  2. The check will be payable to the school and released to the member/beneficiary.
  3. SSS may conduct validation to ensure the continuous schooling of the member/beneficiary.

Before applying, it is important to carefully review the eligibility criteria, loan amount, interest rates and repayment terms. Need help? Contact your nearest SSS branch or visit the SSS website – there you will find all the information you need!

How long does it take to process the SSS Education Assistance Loan

Application Approval2-3 daysApproval is granted as long as all required documents are submitted.
Check Release After ApprovalUp to 2 weeksThe check will be released after the employer certifies the loan application.
Repayment Grace Period14-18 monthsRepayment starts 14 to 18 months after the release of the last check, allowing time for studies.
Continuous Schooling ValidationOngoingSSS is at liberty to confirm that the program participant is in school at all times.

Bottom line

SSS Educational Assistance Loan offers its participants excellent prospects for obtaining higher education and building a successful future for themselves and their families. By providing financial support and convenient repayment terms, this program aims to make education accessible to people from different social groups.

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