SSS Contribution Table 2025: Latest Rates and Schedule of Payment

When it comes to calculating Social Security System (SSS) contributions in the Philippines, one of the most important documents that you need to familiarize yourself with is the SSS Contribution Table. This table contains the updated figures for the contributions for each month.

Knowing this information will help ensure that you are following the SSS payment schedule, making the right contributions, and avoiding any potential penalties or fines due to incorrect payments.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at the SSS Contribution Table 2025 and explain why it is important to understand and follow it. Moreover, we’ll discuss the advantages of the new contributions schedule and the frequently asked questions about it.

YearContribution RateEmployerEmployeeMinimum Monthly Salary CreditMaximum Monthly Salary Credit

Understanding the SSS Monthly Contribution Table

The official schedule issued by the Social Security System in the Philippines is designed to provide guidance to its members regarding the specific monthly contribution amounts based on their monthly salary credit or compensation range.

This schedule is known as the SSS Contribution Table, which is regularly updated to reflect changes in the law and other relevant factors.

  • The Contribution Table is structured with columns for the minimum and maximum salary ranges for each bracket, as well as columns for the new contribution rates.
  • The Contribution Table is organized by salary bracket, with the lowest bracket at the top and the highest bracket at the bottom.
  • The Contribution Table also includes information on the maximum monthly contribution, as well as the total amount of contributions that must be made over the course of a year.
  • The SSS Contribution Table serves as the basis for calculating the monthly contributions of SSS members, which are deducted from their salaries or income. The table also specifies the requirements for membership and the benefits that members are entitled to.

The SSS Contribution Table is an important tool for SSS members as it helps them meet their obligation to contribute to the system and ensures that they receive the corresponding benefits when the need arises.

Recently, the SSS Contribution Table underwent an increase in contribution rates, which was implemented to ensure the long-term sustainability of the SSS system.

This increase highlights the importance of following the SSS Contribution Table and fulfilling one’s obligation to contribute to the system.

Calculating Your Contribution Payments Through The New SSS Contribution Table 2025

Calculating your total monthly contribution payments through the SSS Contribution Table makes life much easier for the members especially those who have multiple jobs throughout the year.

To do this properly though, you need to be familiar with all five sections mentioned above as well as each subsection within them so you can accurately calculate your total amount owed each month without incurring any late fees or penalties.

Here is a step-by-step guide for calculating your contribution payments:

  1. Determine your total wages/salaries earned during the month including tips and bonuses if applicable using your payslip or other records kept by your employer(s).
  2. Calculate any additional payments that may be due based on factors such as age, disability status, etc., using the Additional Payments section in the Latest SSS Table as a reference guide.
  3. Deduct any applicable tax deductions according to what is outlined in the Tax Deductions section in the same table.
  4. Subtract all deductions from total wages/salaries earned and refer back to the Required Contribution section. This is necessary in order to find out exactly how much you owe each month based on the salary range listed there (e.g., P15k-P30k = P750).   

Type of Monthly SSS Contribution

There are several types of SSS contributions that SSS members are required to make in the Philippines. These include:

1. Employees and Employer Contributions

These are the regular contributions that are made on a monthly basis by both the employer and employee. The amount of these contributions is based on the employee’s salary and is calculated using the SSS Contribution calculator.

This table serves as a guide for employees and employers to determine their monthly contributions for Regular Social Security (SS) Program, Employees’ Compensation (EC) Program, and Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Program administered by SSS. Compute your retirement amount with the SSS pension calculator.

Moreover, through this table, employees can easily identify their salary bracket and the corresponding contribution rate, while employers can determine their share from the total contribution.

As per SSS Circular No. 2024-006, the contribution rate is 15% with the minimum Monthly Salary Credit (MSC) set at P5,000 and the maximum at P35,000.

This scheme emphasizes the value of collaboration between employees and employers in promoting financial literacy.

Must check: SSS Contribution Table for Employees and Employers 

2. Self-Employed Contributions

Self-employed professionals and freelancers are now required to participate in both the regular SSS program and the Worker’s Investment and Savings Program (WISP) based on their monthly salary credit, reflecting the government’s commitment to providing enhanced social security protection and investment opportunities for the self-employed workforce.

The new contribution schedule for 2025 provides a comprehensive framework for self-employed individuals, with regular SS coverage up to ₱20,000 and additional WISP coverage for those earning above ₱20,249.99, allowing them to make contributions that align with their income while building long-term savings.

Members who have made advance payments based on the previous contribution schedule with lower rates will need to settle the difference to comply with the new 15% contribution rate and minimum MSC of ₱5,000.00 to maintain their coverage.

Self-employed individuals who wish to maximize their benefits coverage can take advantage of the WISP component, which provides additional investment returns on top of the regular SSS benefits. This feature offers an opportunity to enhance their social security protection while building their retirement savings.

Overall, the 2025 contribution schedule for Self-Employed represents a significant enhancement in social security protection, combining traditional SSS benefits with investment opportunities through WISP to better secure the financial future of self-employed individuals.

Also check: SSS Contribution Table for Self Employed

3. Voluntary Member and Non-Working Spouse

The voluntary members and non-working spouses who wish to maintain their active SSS membership should adhere to the prescribed Monthly Salary Credit (MSC) and corresponding contribution rates stated in the contribution table.

For voluntary members and non-working spouses, the prescribed minimum MSC is ₱5,000.00, and the contribution rate is 15% of the MSC. This includes both Regular Social Security and Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) contributions.

The maximum MSC consists of two parts:

  • Regular Social Security: up to ₱20,000.00 (contribution of ₱3,000.00)
  • MPF: up to ₱15,000.00 additional (contribution of ₱2,250.00)

This brings the total maximum MSC to ₱35,000.00, with a maximum total contribution of ₱5,250.00

Payment options for voluntary members and non-working spouses include over-the-counter payments at SSS branches and partner institutions, online payments through various platforms, and auto-debit arrangements.

Benefits for voluntary members and non-working spouses include sickness, disability, death, and maternity benefits, subject to qualifying conditions and contribution requirements for each benefit type.

Must Read: SSS Contribution Table for Voluntary and Non-Working Spouses

4. OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) Contributions

Land-based OFW members are advised to settle underpayment or pay corresponding increases in contributions.

Members who have already paid their contributions in advance for the applicable months of January 2025 onwards based on the immediately preceding Schedule of Contributions are advised as follows:

  1. Those with advance payment at the minimum MSC of ₱8,000.00 shall settle the underpayment amounting to ₱80.00 for every month of advance payment to retain the posting of contributions at the same MSC; otherwise, such advance payment shall be deemed as ineffective contributions.
  2. Those with advance payment at an MSC other than the minimum ₱8,000.00 have to pay the corresponding increase in contributions to retain posting at the same MSC; otherwise, such advance payment shall be posted at the applicable lower MSC or shall be deemed as ineffective contributions.

Failure to settle the underpayment or pay the corresponding increase in contributions will result in the advance payment being posted at a lower MSC.

This means that the OFW may not be able to enjoy the same benefits that they would have if they paid the correct amount.

Overseas workers who wish to become SSS members may do so by registering online or through the nearest SSS branch for OFWs.

  • Eligibility requirements include being at least 18 years old and not more than 60 years old, with a valid passport and work contract.
  • Payment options for contributions include voluntary payments or through their respective employers.
  • The contribution rates are based on the monthly salary credit (MSC) and range from ₱8,000.00 to ₱35,000.00 (including MPF).

It is important for OFWs to keep track of their contributions to ensure that they are able to maximize the benefits that they are entitled to.

The OFW can remit their own contributions with SSS online account or through accredited remittance centers.

You can check: SSS Contribution Table for OFWs

5. Kasambahay and Household Employee Contribution

Just as a household is incomplete without the services of a kasambahay, the table for household employers ensures that their domestic workers are also provided with employee and employer contribution rates that vary based on the monthly salary credit.

According to Circular No. 2024-007, effective January 2025, the contribution rates range from P225 at the minimum monthly salary credit of P1,750 to P5,280 at the maximum monthly salary credit of P35,000. For monthly salary credits exceeding P20,000, additional contributions are allocated to the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Program. The employer is responsible for remitting both the employer and employee contributions, which are mandatory under the law.

Kasambahay rights are protected under the Batas Kasambahay, which mandates the payment of minimum wage, social security benefits, and other labor rights.

Household employers are required to provide their kasambahay with an employment contract that outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including working hours, rest periods, and benefits.

The SSS contribution table for household employers is just one of the many ways by which the government ensures that kasambahays are provided with the necessary social security benefits that they are entitled to under the law. The updated 2025 contribution schedule reflects enhanced social security protection with higher coverage limits.

By complying with the contribution requirements, household employers are helping to improve the working conditions and welfare of their kasambahay while ensuring better social security coverage through increased contribution ceilings.

Must check: SSS Contribution Table for Household Employers and Kasambahays 

SSS Contribution Schedule 2025

Advantages of the New SSS Contributions Schedule

The implementation of the Regular Social Security (SS) Program, Employees’ Compensation (EC) Program, and Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) Program through the new SSS contributions schedule provides greater social security benefits and pension savings for members while promoting a comprehensive approach to social security coverage.

The new contribution schedule ensures that a larger percentage of a member’s monthly income is covered, which can lead to larger benefits and pension savings in the future.

Moreover, with the new total contribution rate of 15%, both employers and employees share the responsibility of building a stronger social security fund, ensuring better benefits for members in the long term.

In addition, for Monthly Salary Credits (MSC) above P20,000, members participate in the MPF Program, which allows them to build up additional savings for retirement and emergencies through their regular SSS contributions.

The changes in the SSS contributions schedule have significant implications for both employers and employees.

  • For employers: They must now ensure that they are contributing the correct amount to their employees’ accounts, as failure to do so can result in penalties and legal consequences.
  • For employees: They can look forward to receiving greater benefits and pension savings, which can help secure their financial future.

Furthermore, the integration of various SSS programs highlights the importance of comprehensive social security coverage and responsible financial planning.

Comparatively, the new SSS contributions schedule represents a significant improvement in social security coverage and benefits for all members.

Updated Deadline for SSS Contribution Payment

Having discussed the advantages of the new SSS contribution schedule that will be implemented in 2025, let us delve into the updated deadline for SSS contribution payment.

It is important to note that the payment deadline for regular employers and household employers remains the same, which is on the last day of the month following the applicable month or period.

However, for voluntary members, self-employed individuals, OFWs, non-working spouses, farmers, and fishermen, the deadline has been extended.

The payment deadline for voluntary members, self-employed individuals, OFWs, non-working spouses, farmers, and fishermen is now on or before the 10th day of the following month.

This extension aims to provide more time for these members to settle their contributions without incurring penalties.

Moreover, the SSS has also made it easier for members to pay their contributions by offering various payment methods such as online payment options and payment reminders.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that late payment of contributions may result in consequences such as the forfeiture of benefits, penalties, and even legal action.

Thus, it is crucial for members to settle their contributions on time to avoid these repercussions.

Benefits of Following the SSS Contributions Table

Following the latest SSS Contribution Table can bring a number of benefits for employees and employers.

1. Ensures Compliance with Government Regulations

The first benefit is that it ensures compliance with government regulations. By understanding and following the table, members can ensure that they are making the appropriate contributions to the SSS.

This can help to avoid fines and penalties for non-compliance.

2. Maximize Benefit Payouts from SSS Funds

The second benefit is that it helps to maximize benefit payouts from SSS funds. By making the appropriate contributions, members of SSS can help to maximize the benefit payouts they are eligible for from the SSS funds.

This can include retirement benefits, disability benefits, and more.

3. Allows Easy Tracking of Contributions and Benefits

Another benefit of following the SSS Monthly Contributions Table is that it allows for easy tracking of contributions and benefits.

By keeping track of contributions, members can ensure that they are on track to receiving their benefits when they become eligible.

4. Ensure Sufficient Funds are Available

Lastly, following the Contribution Table helps to ensure that there are sufficient funds to provide benefits to eligible members, with the minimum Monthly Salary Credit now set at P5,000 and maximum at P35,000.

FAQs About Latest SSS Contribution Table 2025

Who are the primary beneficiaries of an SSS member?

Understanding the primary beneficiaries of an SSS member is crucial in securing their financial stability and ensuring that their dependents receive the necessary benefits.

The Social Security System (SSS) provides various benefits to its members, including retirement, disability, and survivor benefits. Dependents of an SSS member who passes away or becomes disabled may receive benefits to help them cope with the loss of income.

The primary beneficiaries of an SSS member include their legitimate dependent spouse until the member remarries, and legitimate, legally adopted, and illegitimate children below 21 years old.

If the member has no spouse or children, the parents will be the member’s primary beneficiaries.

It is important to note that the SSS member can also designate their preferred beneficiaries if they do not have any of the primary beneficiaries mentioned above.

By understanding who the primary beneficiaries are, SSS members can ensure that their loved ones are taken care of in case of unforeseen circumstances.

BenefitEligible BeneficiariesRequirements
Retirement BenefitPrimary beneficiaries and secondary beneficiariesMember must have reached the age of 60, have paid at least 120 monthly contributions, and have stopped working
Disability BenefitPrimary beneficiaries and secondary beneficiariesMember must have paid at least 36 monthly contributions and be unable to work due to a disability
Survivors BenefitPrimary beneficiaries and secondary beneficiariesDependents of a deceased SSS member who has paid at least 36 monthly contributions

The SSS provides a safety net for its members and their dependents, ensuring that they are protected in times of need.

By understanding the eligibility requirements and the different benefits provided by the SSS, members can plan for their future and secure their financial stability.

Can I withdraw my SSS contribution?

Unlike Pag-IBIG contributions, SSS contributions cannot be refunded, which means that you can only claim benefits or your pension upon retirement age.

However, there are certain circumstances where withdrawal eligibility for SSS contributions is possible. The SSS refund process allows members to apply for a refund if they have overpaid their contributions or have double contributions.

The contribution refund limits vary depending on the number of contributions made, and the refund amount may include the principal amount, interest, and penalties.

To apply for a refund, members must submit the necessary documents and complete the application form.

It’s important to note that SSS contribution suspension may affect your eligibility for benefits, so it’s crucial to understand the impact of suspending your contributions before making any decisions.


The new SSS contribution table for 2025 has been released through SSS Circular No. 2024-006, outlining the updated rates for employees, employers, self-employed individuals, OFWs, voluntary members, and non-working spouses.

This new schedule offers several advantages, including increased benefits for members and enhanced social security coverage for Filipinos.

In addition to the latest contribution rates, the SSS has also updated the deadline for contribution payments, giving members more time to ensure that their payments are up-to-date.

While some may have questions about the new schedule, it is important to note that these changes are designed to provide greater security and financial stability for all SSS members.

By following the updated guidelines and contributing regularly, members can protect themselves and their families against unexpected financial hardships.

Overall, the new SSS contribution table for 2025 represents a step forward in promoting a more secure and stable future for all Filipinos.

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  1. Just to clarify, I retired already but I am only 55. I will continue to pay my SSS contribution but now as a voluntary member. I retired last August 30, 2024 and the was the last payment date of my SSS contribution as an employee of Globe Telecom. Effective September 2024, I will pay my SSS contribution as a voluntary member. How much is required for me to pay for me to be able to get the highest monthly pension when I retired at the age of 60?

    Appreciate your immediate response,

    Thank you,
    Winston Villas Dalida
    SSS# 0391844771

    1. To maximize your pension, choose the highest MSC you can afford. This will ensure that your contributions are maximized, which directly affects your pension. The amount of monthly pension will be the highest result of the following formula:

      1. 300 + (20% x AMSC*) + (2% x AMSC) x (CYS** – 10); or
      2. 40% x AMSC; or
      3. Minimum pension (P1,200 if with at least 10 CYS or P2,400 if with at least 20 CYS).
      *AMSC (Average Monthly Salary Credit)
      **CYS (Credited Years of Service)

      You can also take advantage of the MySSS Pension Booster program. Contact an SSS representative for personalized advice on maximizing your benefits based on your specific circumstances.

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